Tuesday, September 05, 2006

V for Vendetta

Remember, remember, the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot...
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot...

I must admit... I really wouldn't have bothered to see this one if not for the incessant pestering by the potato.... and now that i've seen it I'm kinda thankful he did...

When I first saw the trailer for this movie more than a year ago, I was pretty much sure that this was just another obscure comic book trying to make some money in tinsel town.. Even the star of the movie seemed very goofy to me.. Now that I've finally seen the movie I have to admit I was being way to judgemental... Hugo Weaving (Smith from the Matrix trilogy) plays the elusive V, a vigilante out to seek justice from the future police state that is England...Even though he never shows his face through out the entire movie, the powerful tones of his voice really convey the entire essence of his tale... the subtle undertones of the movie are what really turns you on...there is more than one reference to the "former United States" in the movie... Natalie Portman's role in the movie takes the audience through the life of an everyday person living in the almost fascist state of the (hopefully, very very distant) future... Her chance meeting with V changes her outlook on life and turns her from the timid push over citizen to someone willing to change the system....

All in all, well worth a watch... Have you seen this movie, yet ? If so, post a comment to tell me if you liked it (you'll either love it or hate it..).. If not, y not take a chance with the movie with the goofy looking super hero
